Sub Stop keeps going despite hurricane damage, break-in

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Sub Stop in Wilmington suffered considerable damage during Hurricane Florence. (Source: Wilmington Restaurant Reviews Facebook)

Many small family businesses across the Cape Fear Region were crippled by Hurricane Florence.

A popular sandwich shop in Wilmington was forced to turn off its grills, but the hurricane wasn’t the only obstacle for the owners of Sub Stop.

Sub Stop was not only damaged by wind from Florence, but someone broke into the restaurant during the storm as well, stealing money, stereos and frozen food.

Through all the trouble, Sub Stop was open on the final day of Florence’s stay in Wilmington.

“Duke Energy sent a lot of their people here to have lunch so we stayed open that whole last day of the storm for (them) to come in and get a good lunch,” said Sub Stop’s Amanda Klutz.  

Roof repairs are underway as well as getting the side window repaired after thieves broke it. 

Klutz said clean-up and repair work is happening faster than she anticipated and Sub Stop plans to reopen on Thursday.

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